Carnegie Mellon University

Data Storage Systems Center

College of Engineering

2018 DSSC West Coast Review

March 13-14, 2018
Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley
NASA Ames Research Park Bldg. 23, Moffet Field, CA 94035

DSSC Review Structure

The DSSC West Coast Technical Review at Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley, held once a year, is an opportunity for center members, invited guests, and DSSC personnel to be brought up-to-date on current DSSC research progress through oral presentations and poster sessions that highlight the center's project areas.

Register: Online registration is now available.

Day 1: DSSC HDD Review

During Day 1, DSSC will present recent progress on our HDD research featuring HAMR media, heads and systems. The format of these presentations will be our standard one, with talks and opportunities for discussions over posters. Work on Non-volatile Memory Systems will be presented on Day 2 as part of the DSSC workshop on NVM.

Tuesday, March 13 
All sessions will be held at Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley Campus
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:30 Welcome & State of the DSSC 
Jimmy Zhu
9:30-9:50 HAMR Strategy at DSSC
James Bain
9:50-10:10 Microstructure analysis on size distribution during film growth in HAMR media
Bing Zhou
10:10-10:30 HAMR Media with Exchange Coupled Soft FM Shell
Yuwei Qin
10:30-11:00 Break and Poster Session
11:00-11:20 Microstructural investigation of FePt grain growth on MgO and MgO-C underlayer
Varaprasad Bollapragada
11:20-11:40 Understanding Transition Jitter and Saturation
Yuwei Qin
11:40-12:00 Measurement of Damping Constant for Recording Media
Zhengkun Dai
12:00-1:00 Lunch and Poster Session
1:00-1:20 Towards Simpler and More Efficient NFT Designs
Cheng-Ming Chow
1:20-1:40 Experimental Study of Coupling NFT’s to High Q Dielectric Resonators
Joe Liang
1:40-2:00 Thermal transport measurements of a gap structure
Minyoung Jeong
2:00-2:15 Wrap Up 

Day 2: DSSC Workshop in Non-Volatile Memory Systems

Workshop Motivation and Goals:

Over the last 30 years, the Data Storage Systems Center at Carnegie Mellon has worked closely with industry on cutting edge research to advance HDD technology (as well as the tape and optical disk). This close working relationship allowed DSSC to work on relevant technical problems, to develop innovative solutions to industry challenges, and to produce well-trained students. As the non-volatile memory (NVM) industry continues to grow, DSSC seeks to build on our existing research program in NVM following the same model. The goal of this workshop is to identify the path to enhancing DSSC’s relationship with the NVM industry, such that we are producing the students and the technological innovations that are of the highest impact.

Workshop Structure:

The daylong workshop will include the following parts:

  1. Technical presentations from DSSC researchers on the NVM activities at DSSC
  2. Short presentations from invited industry guests on what the NVM industry needs from academia
  3. Review of some highlights of the HDD industry interaction with DSSC
  4. Discussion between CMU researchers and industry visitors about enhancing interaction with the NVM industry
Wednesday, March 14
All sessions will be held at Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley Campus
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:20 Introduction to the Workshop and DSSC's Solid State Memory Program
Jimmy Zhu and James Bain
9:20-9:45 Antiferromagnetic MRAM for dramatic switching speed improvement
Jimmy Zhu
9:45-10:10 Tailoring the current driven domain wall motion by engineering two heavy metal underlayers
Yang Liu
10:10-10:30 Vertical Magnetic Shift Register
Jimmy Zhu
10:30-11:00 Break and Poster Session
11:00-11:15 Phase change dynamics and scaling
Marek Skowronski
11:15-11:30 Visualizing Volatile and Non-Volatile Filament in Resistive-Switching
Yuanzhi Ma 
11:30-11:45 HfTaOx Threshold Switches For Selector Application
Darshil Gala 
11:45-12:00 Assessing How NVM Memory Structure Affects Computing Performance
Saugata Ghose 
12:00-1:30 Lunch and Poster Session
1:30-2:00 Recent Progress on STT-MRAM and Industry Academia Collaboration
Daniel Worledge, IBM Research
2:00-2:30 Recent Progress on STT-MRAM and Industry Academia Collaboration
Yiming Huai, Avalanche Technologies
2:30-3:00 Recent Progress on STT-MRAM and Industry Academia Collaboration
Luc Thomas, Headway Technology/TDK
3:00-4:00 Discussion on Academia/Industrial Collaboration, All