Carnegie Mellon University

Data Storage Systems Center

College of Engineering

2017 DSSC West Coast Review

March 14, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley
NASA Ames Research Park Bldg. 23, Moffet Field, CA 94035

The DSSC West Coast Technical Review at Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley, held once a year, is an opportunity for center members, invited guests, and DSSC personnel to be brought up-to-date on current DSSC research progress through oral presentations and poster sessions that highlight the center's project areas.

Register: Online registration is no longer available.


Tuesday, March 14
All sessions will be held at Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley Campus
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
Opening Remarks
9:00-9:30 DSSC History and Vision for the Future (open)
James Bain
9:00-9:30 DSSC Sponsor Executives Briefing (by invitation)
James Garrett
9:30-9:45 State of the DSSC
Jimmy Zhu
Session I: HAMR I
9:55-10:15 HAMR Activities Overview
James Bain
Morning Break
10:15-10:45 Break
Session I: HAMR I (cont'd)
10:45-11:05 Head Field Design and Media Property Study
Yuwei Qin
11:05-11:25 Designing HAMR Transducers to Mitigate Transition Curvature
James Bain
11:25-11:45 Improving BER Performance by Using V-shaped Read Head Array in Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording
Vijayakumar Bhagavatula
11:45-12:05 Development of Integrated Sources for HAMR NFT's
Joe Liang
Lunch and Poster Session
12:05-1:30 Lunch and Poster Session
Session II: HAMR II
1:30-1:50 Estimates of Thermal Transport Across the Air Bearing Gap
Jon Malen
1:50-2:10 Time-Resolved Pump-Probe Measurement for HAMR Media
Zhengkun Dai
2:10-2:30 MgO-C templated seed layer for L10-ordered FePt-X granular media
Jimmy Zhu
Afternoon Break
2:30-3:00 Break
Session III: Read Heads and Solid State Memory
3:00-3:20 Scalability of Side Reading Free Design
Jimmy Zhu
3:20-3:40 Resistive Memory Update: Cells and Selectors
James Bain
3:40-4:00 STT MRAM Update
Jimmy Zhu
4:00-4:30 Discussion and Wrap-Up