Carnegie Mellon University

Data Storage Systems Center

College of Engineering

2014 DSSC West Coast Review

March 11, 2014
Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley
NASA Ames Research Park Bldg. 23, Moffet Field, CA 94035

The DSSC Technical Review at Carnegie Mellon University, held once a year, is an opportunity for center members, invited guests, and DSSC personnel to be brought up-to-date on current DSSC research progress through oral presentations and poster sessions that highlight the center's project areas.

Register: Online registration is no longer available.


Tuesday, March 11
All sessions will be held at Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, Room 109/110
8:00-9:15 Breakfast
Opening Remarks
9:15-9:30 DSSC Overview
Jimmy Zhu
Session I: Heads (HAMR and PMR)
9:30-9:45 HAMR Strategy and Activity Summary
James Bain 
Contributors: Bain, Schlesinger, Zhu
9:45-10:05 Optical Propagation in the Au/AlN Materials System
Cheng-Ming Chow 
Contributors: Bain, Schlesinger, Chomas, Chow
10:05-10:25 Thermal Propagation in the Au/AlN Materials System 
Joe Liang 
Contributors: Bain, Malen, Schlesinger, Chomas, Sharma, Liang
Morning Break
10:25-11:00 Break and Poster Session
Session I: HAMR (cont'd)
11:00-11:20 Laser Designs and Testing For NFT Sources
Joe Liang 
Contributors: Bain, Schlesinger, Luo, Liang, Chomas
11:20-11:40 Towards Direct Electronic-Plasmonic Conversion
Cheng-Ming Chow 
Contributors: Bain, Schlesinger, Chow, Chomas
11:40-12:00 Sources of Noise in HAMR Recording
Hai Li 
Contributors: Zhu, Li
Lunch and Poster Session
12:00-1:30 Lunch and Poster Session
Session II: Media (HAMR and PMR)
1:30-1:50 L10 Media Microstructure Engineering
Jimmy Zhu 
Contributors: Zhu, Laughlin, Ho
1:50-2:10 The Role of Interfaces in Thermal Transport in HAMR Media
Jon Malen 
Contributors: Zhu, Malen, Bain, Ho, Sharma, Liang
2:10-2:30 Templated Co-Core Media for PMR
Vignesh Sundar 
Contributors: Zhu, Laughlin, Sundar
Afternoon Break
2:30-3:00 Break and Poster Session
Session III: SSD and Memory Technology
3:00-3:20 Emerging RRAM Technologies: Report from IEDM, MMM, etc.
James Bain 
Contributors: Bain, Skowronski, Sharma
3:20-3:40 MRAM Technology Perspective
Jimmy Zhu 
Contributors: Zhu
3:40-4:00 Coding for FLASH
Kumar Bhagavatula 
Contributors: Bhagavatula, Kim