Carnegie Mellon University

Data Storage Systems Center

College of Engineering

2015 DSSC Fall Technical Review

October 6-7, 2015
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

The DSSC Technical Review at Carnegie Mellon University, held once a year, is an opportunity for center members, invited guests, and DSSC personnel to be brought up-to-date on current DSSC research progress through oral presentations and poster sessions that highlight the center's project areas.

Register: Online registration is no longer available.

Day 1

Tuesday, October 6
All sessions will be held at Carnegie Mellon University, Singleton Room, Roberts Hall, Pittsburgh Campus
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
Opening Remarks
8:30-8:50 Welcome & State of the DSSC 
Jimmy Zhu
Session I: HAMR
9:00-9:15 Impedance Matched Designs for Efficient NFT's 
James Bain
9:15-9:30 Enhancement of Thermal Interface Transport with Metal Adhesion Layers
Minyoung Jeong
9:30-9:45 Bending Loss Analysis and Fabrication of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dot Ridge-Guided Ring Lasers for HAMR Light Delivery System
Hongliang (Joe) Liang
9:45-10:00 Effect on Surface Plasmon Resonance of Cr or Cu Interface Layers Measured Using ATR 
Cheng-Ming Chow
Morning Break
10:00-10:30 Break and Poster Session
Session I: HAMR (cont'd)
10:30-10:45 In-plane Grain Noise in Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording
Hai Li
10:45-11:00 Pump-probe Method for HAMR Media Characterization
Zhengkun Dai
11:00-11:15 MgO grain refinement using C for one-to-one templating
Varaprasad Bollapragada
11:15-11:30 Development of Holistic Multi-Scale Model for Organic/Lubricant Molecules in HAMR Environment
Wonyup Song
Lunch and Poster Session
11:30-1:30 Lunch and Poster Session
Session II: PMR, MAMR, TDMR, and BPM
1:30-1:45 Extension of PMR via Media Optimization
Jimmy Zhu
1:45-2:00 Bit Patterned Media using Templated Growth
Vignesh Sundar
2:00-2:15 Effective Write Field Analysis for MAMR
Xiaoyu Bai
2:15-2:30 Dual Side Spin Transfer STO Design
Jimmy Zhu
2:30-2:45 Relaxing media requirements by using multi-island two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR) on bit patterned media (BPM)
Yao Wang
Afternoon Break
2:45-3:15 Break and Poster Session
Session III: Solid State Memory
3:15-3:30 Coding for 3D Vertical Flash Memory
Yongjune Kim
3:30-3:45 Conductive AFM Characterization of Magnetization Reversal in Perpendicular Tunnel Junctions
Stephan Piotrowski
3:45-4:00 Combinatorial Materials Explorationin DSSC 
Vincent Sokalski
4:00-4:15 Threshold Switch Selectors for Crosspoint Memories
Abhishek Sharma
4:15-4:30 State-of-the-Art Characterization of Bipolar Resistive switches
Jonghan Kwon
Reception and Dinner
4:30-5:00 Transportation to Wyndham
5:00-6:30 Reception and poster display at Wyndham
6:30-8:30 Dinner at Wyndham

Day 2

Wednesday, October 7
All sessions will be held at Carnegie Mellon University, Singleton Room, Roberts Hall, Pittsburgh Campus
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
Advisory Board Meeting
8:30-8:45 IP Briefing by DSSC Leadership
8:45-11:00 Closed Session
Feedback Session
11:00-12:00 Feedback Session with Faculty
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-6:00 Individual Sponsor meetings with Faculty

Reservations can be made at the Address

100 Lytton Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Telephone: 1-800-864-8287
Room Rate: $145/night
Group Name: DSSC Fall Review
Discount cutoff date September 17, 2015
Parking: Complimentary

The DSSC will provide transportation between the Wyndham and campus.

Please be in the lobby of the hotel a few minutes before departure time for morning trips to Roberts Hall.

Tuesday, Oct 6
7:20 a.m.

One trip from Wyndham to Roberts Hall

7:45 a.m.

One trip from Wyndham to Roberts Hall

4:30 p.m.

One trip from Roberts Hall to Wyndham for Reception and Poster Session

4:45 p.m.

One trip from Roberts Hall to Wyndham for Reception and Poster Session

Wednesday, October 7
7:20 a.m.

One trip from Wyndham to Roberts Hall

7:45 a.m.

One trip from Wyndham to Roberts Hall

Please note that breakfast will be served starting at 7:30 a.m.